Oak Hill College

Our early market research for Oak Hill, a theological college training students for Christian ministry, revealed it was widely perceived as an academic ivory tower. Our response was to get in touch with former students who were now working in ministry in very varied settings – from housing estates and run-down suburbs to ministry among MPs and civil servants in Westminster. They told us that their Oak Hill training had prepared them well for a lifetime of work out in the real world. Out of these compelling testimonials, House developed an extensive series of short videos, and a twice-yearly free magazine, Commentary, with articles by alumni and faculty. We also rebranded the college, redesigned its website, and established its social media presence.

“Thanks for the latest edition of Commentary – stimulating from beginning to end – one of the rare magazines that one gets sent that’s worth reading.”
Director of Training,UCCF

“You’ve certainly taught us the value of ‘interrogating the product until it confesses the truth about itself”. We haven’t simply had a visual makeover but that the need to express things accessibly and persuasively has made us refine what it is we are trying to express in the first place....Thank you for not being content with papering over the cracks.”
Principal, Oak Hill College


Church Society